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Resilience is defined as the capacity to come back quickly from difficulty. The word also defines the ability of an object to spring back into shape, giving it flexibility. We have each gone through something we thought would break us, and something we thought we would never come back from. During these rough chapters, it is only natural to panic and wonder, how will I see this circumstance through and get to the other side? How can I find relief?

The answer is resilience. According to the American Psychological Association Here are a few ways you can hardwire resilience into your brain in order to accept and overcome difficult circumstances.

  1. Make connections: Nurturing positive relationships with those you love allows your brain to feel safe and supported. As social beings, we need to know we are not alone and have allies we can trust and rely on.

  2. It’s All About Perspective: During highly stressful situations, you will oftentimes find that there are more things out of your control than those you can change. Stressful situations are a part of life and can’t be changed, but you can change how you interpret the issue. If you have a habit of thinking the world is coming to an end during a few stressful situations, over time you will feel this way about all tough moments. By changing your perspective and accepting that yes, I am stressed, but this too shall pass and things will be okay, the brain becomes more resilient.

  3. Accepting Change: Learn to accept that change is a part of life and will always be around the corner. The more we comfort ourselves by believing anything in our lives can last forever, we not only begin to take things for granted, but we also go into shock the moment something changes. Instead, cherish the things that are in front of you at this very moment, and be in the present.

  4. Nurture a Positive View of Yourself: Developing confidence in your ability to solve problems and endure tough situations is extremely helpful in building resilience.

In addition to these tools, mindfulness, meditation, and cognitive behavioural therapy have also been known to help build resilience.

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Managing a full-time or part-time job is already difficult when paired with day-to-day duties. On top of that, imagine having to work with a boss who was also unpredictable. It can be anxiety-inducing to not know what mood your boss will be in today, and whether or not they will be task-masters.

Here is some insightful information about how you can predict your boss’s behaviour.

To better understand what your boss does and why they do what they do, the better positioned you are in delivering results. Being attuned to what the exact expectations of your role are, can help in easing any tension there may be in your professional relationship with your boss. Also, by understanding why they are tasking you with certain things or why they are stressed, you are better informed as to why they behave a certain way.

Furthermore, you can observe your boss’s behavioural style, preferences, and pet peeves. Once you have learned their behaviour, you are more able to predict how they will act in different situations. It might also be helpful to suggest everyone in the office do a personality test like Myers-Briggs. It will help form an understanding of who they are.

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There are more than 900 career choices out there. Overwhelming, right? From a young age, we are expected to know what we want to do for the rest of our lives, study to gain skills for a specific job, and then launch ourselves into this industry. How can such a huge decision be made more digestible?

Mybraindesign is here to help! We can filter through the sea of career options out there and provide you with 5 of the best options for you.

Mybraindesign is adept in brain mapping and getting to know what a capable person you are, and which career fields you will flourish in. So, how does it work?

We begin by mapping your QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram). QEEG is a tool that measures electrical activities in the form of brain wave patterns. These patterns are then evaluated to learn what is limiting your success, and what environment you could thrive in. By doing an in-depth analysis of your brain structure, you are provided with a clear-cut answer as to what area of expertise is best suited for you.

So, what are you waiting for? Career clarity and success are just one step away.

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